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K-8th Grades

We invite you to join us for a year of learning, growing and connecting. At Thrive, our focus is providing a day of high quality academic instruction, while creating a sense of community and belonging for our students and their families. 

1 or 2 Day Per Week Options For Your Family

Thrive offers one or two day per week options for students. Attending one day per week would be considered a supplemental dive into academic content in History, Science, Literature and Art and would augment what students are learning in their homeschooling studies at home.

For families wanting a more comprehensive program that covers a full curriculum in History, Science and Art, we suggest attending Thrive two days per week. Students who attend Thrive twice per week will only need to cover Language Arts, Math and any other desired subjects at home on the days they are not at Thrive. 

A Day At Thrive

Thrive begins at 9am, where we come together as a community for our morning assembly. Students will hear announcements, participate in the pledge of allegiance, and our Program Lead starts off the day with a silly joke. After assembly, students rotate with their grade level cohort to classes in History, Science, Literature and Art. 

At Thrive, students are grouped into classes of K-1st grades, 2-3rd grades, 4-5th grades and 6-8th grades. Students will spend the day with their cohort as they rotate to History, Science, Literature and Art.  Students also experience two recess times and a lunch time with planned activities designed to build a sense of community and belonging. Our day ends at 2pm.

Our Curriculum

Thrive takes a "Classical Remixed" approach to learning. We incorporate elements of a classical education, and include project based learning, hands on and interactive lessons with a focus on building a sense of community and belonging for our students. We are using the following curriculum for the 2024-2025 school year:

History- Story of the World, volume 4- Students will explore the modern world, from the 1800s through present times. We use Story of the World as our base and incorporate hands on interactive experiences to make history come to life. In addition to our weekly lessons, we host a yearly History Festival where students are immersed in a day of time period activities to help enhance their understanding of the historical time periods we are studying.

Science- Elemental Science, Chemistry for the Grammar and Logic Stages- This curriculum explores the fundamental elements of Chemistry and classes are designed for each grade to help promote understanding at the developmental level of the class. We incorporate fun and engaging science demontrations and experiments to help promote a sense of wonder, exploration and a love for Chemistry.

Literature- Each week, we read a story based on the time period we are studying in History. Our Literature teachers work closely with our History teachers to prepare theme based lessons that help reinforce concepts learned in History. We utilize a wide range of lesson plans to help hone in a sense of adventure and exploration as students learn about people from various time periods.

Art- Meet the Masters- In this program, students will learn about artists from the time period we are studying in History. Students will learn about the artists life, artistic genre, and will learn the techniques the artist used for their work. We include painting and drawing as well as other artistic mediums to impart a love for art to our students, with a background in art history.

At Thrive, our lessons are designed to help students work together. We want our students to develop friendships to last a lifetime, which is why we incoporate project based learning into all of our classes. 


$75 Annual Non-Refundable Registration Fee

$75 Supply Fee Per Semester

$230 Per Month for One Day Per Week 

$460 Per Month for Two Days Per Week

We are direct pay providers for the ESA program in Arizona, and the Step Up For Students UA and PEP scholarship programs. For more information on tuition, please contact Linda Tansey at

We do not offer sibling discounts or multi day discounts.

Parent Involvement

We know that homeschooling requires an enormous level of dedication, and we want to give time back to you in your day. We value the sacrifice and love you put into your children on a daily basis, and we are here to help you by offering a high quality academic day of instruction- a place where you can bring the whole family- so that you can have some time to get errands done, have coffee with a friend, or just relax! Thrive hires paid teachers for our program, so that parents don't have to spend countless hours volunteering. For parents who want to stay on a regular basis, we require a fingerprint background check to ensure the safety of our student community.